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Friday, May 22, 2020


Did that catch your eye? How about the photo of the front page of The New York Times?

The last few days have been a media blitz about cities, communities, states opening up various parts of their locations to a lot of different things that have not occurred there recently.

Let's not get bogged down in the details, since they appear to be getting lost in the shuffle.

We see reports about people coping with eating at a restaurant, shopping in a mall, trying to get a haircut or doing some other inane thing which we all did before Covid 19 became a miserable part of our existence.

The news reports have changed in tone along with all this -- have you noticed there are now stories about accidents or building fires far earlier in the newscast than they would have been before? 
Front Page The New York Times 

It's clear that there is a paradigm shift. People are really really sick of hearing the same stuff over and over -- Covid can kill you, wash your hands, such and such a company is developing a vaccine and some politico isn't wearing a mask.  They are not paying the same amount of attention as they were about two months ago.

Even the nightly sessions of people clapping to honor all those who had to work during the pandemic have lost their gloss. You can barely hear the noise now. 

A friend of mine and I were talking about the likelihood that familiar has bred a different type of contempt -- so much so that we are no longer paying that much attention to some of the things we had paid attention to a few months ago. 

One of those things might be the amount of people that have died as a result of Covid 19. Those grim statistics have become ubiquitous -- just another part of the din surrounding this abject mess.

As the number of Covid casualties rises, will it become another of those things that goes in one ear and out the other? Just another casualty that we will pay scant attention to?

Amen, and pass the toilet paper.  

Friday, May 8, 2020


Okay, they are a bit annoying. 

The masks. They tug at your face, slip off your nose when you don't want them to and if you wear glasses, cause some serious fogging of the lenses.

But what they also do is provide some sense of "protection" against COVID 19 -- that blasted virus that we have all come to hate, detest, and want to disappear. 

If you go on any social media you will find a cacophony of crap written by people who keep telling you that they are wearing the mask because it is protecting YOU - not them. 

Then there are people squawking about how wearing the masks is a violation of their civil rights. Just how many of these people even thought about their civil rights before the pandemic is up to debate. I'm convinced some of them saw a post on social media and jumped on a bandwagon for an issue they didn't think about six months ago.


Bottom line is this -- we are up against a very nasty virus which has killed boatloads, caused havoc to untold others and stands to keep doing likewise until somebody from a drug company comes up with something to kill it, dead, dead, dead before it kills any more of us.

If wearing a stupid band of fabric across my face may keep my sneeze off you -- or perhaps some of your sneeze off me -- then I'm game. My civil rights include not having to deal with your snot landing on my face because you were too much of a jerk to wear a simple item of clothing.

Amen, and pass the face masks please.