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Wednesday, November 24, 2010


I am feeling puckish. 

Considering that Thanksgiving is tomorrow, I should be focusing on the positive aspects of life, certainly not those things that make me feel puckish. 

I would feel less puckish if there were some major aspects that we could all be thankful for tomorrow -- other than of course the things that we take for granted, such as our lives, our health and our families and friends. 

I would feel less puckish if there were more people working. 

I would feel less puckish if there were fewer families worried about losing their homes. 

I would feel less puckish if there were fewer soldiers fighting anywhere, for any reason.

I would feel less puckish if people could get on an airplane without strangers patting their privates.

I would feel less puckish if people paid more attention to what's happening around them than the lives of lame reality show stars or a televised dancing competition.

I would feel less puckish if people stopped freaking out because someone speaks a different language or wears something around their head because of a personal belief system. 

I would feel less puckish if maybe tomorrow everyone got into the spirit of that original Thanksgiving and what the occasion really signified -- instead of the football and tryptophan laced extravaganza into which it has morphed. 

Thank you. 

Amen, and pass the mustard.

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