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Wednesday, April 1, 2020


Yeah, you read right. Corona Virus: April Fool.

What a joke.

April 1 has long been a day in which pranksters, jokesters, clowns and silly people of all ages bring out their inner child.  The idea is to pull off a pun or joke on somebody and then when the person doesn't quite "get it" you yell out APRIL FOOL! and then look for another patsy.

This April 1, the entire human race is under an enormous APRIL FOOL type of episode, but it's not funny. 

It's not remotely amusing. 

I spent a part of my day watching news -- something that at another time of my life (when I worked in news) I did as routine.

Today I was looking for a snipet of information from Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. I was wondering when, if ever, he was going to shut down the state like a bunch of us have been pleading for him to do. 

That's so we don't end up with a bazillion dead people thanks to the spread of --- THE CORONA VIRUS! THAT FREAKING THING WE ALL LOVE TO HATE!!!!!

He finally did it this afternoon -- but only after nearly having to pull each and every one of the guy's teeth out of his head by a whole bunch of people higher up on the food chain than apparently the entire population of Florida. 

Dude, bow much do you want to be re-elected? 

Apparently, not much. April fool? We will see. 

Amen, and pass the toilet paper. 

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