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Sunday, March 29, 2020


Social media with respect to the Corona Virus / Covid 19 is starting to get grim.

The subject itself is of course incredibly interesting -- there is not a person alive that can state this is not one of the most fascinating albeit terrifying items we have coped with during our collective lifetimes.

But how certain people deal with social media is beginning to have a negative effect in contrast to what the poster is trying to accomplish.

Go on Facebook at any given time and you will find basically the same things:

  • folks blathering about how badly the President is handling the matter
  • folks blathering about how well the President is handling the matter
  • the latest prognostication of how many will die
  • the latest prognostication of how few masks/personal equipment is available to the first line responders
  • the next city which will have the dubious honor of being the epicenter
  • the next politico who tries to shut the borders of his/her state to keep idiots from bringing the virus into their neck of the woods

I could go on but won't. We are all sadly picking up way too much information on this matter because the damn thing is not going away anytime soon.

I've been ignoring social media a lot, particularly Facebook. It's annoying as hell. You have those who are fighting with everyone else about the stupidest things. You have those who honestly believe much of what is on there even though it's clearly drivel.  You have those who quote the last thing they heard from some pundit whose show airs in Nebraska or Wyoming at three o'clock in the morning.

And you have those who are "dropping out" and announce it to everyone as if it's something that will cause us to lose a lot of sleep. Kids, I'm not and neither are a lot of others.

Facebook is a truly dopey method to pass along information that really matters. You don't like someone's posts? Drop them for thirty days. They will never know.

Get anti-social with your social media. You will feel a lot better at the end of the day.

Amen, and pass the toilet paper.

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