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Thursday, February 21, 2019

Death By Coconut

The last couple of days I've been obsessed with coconuts.

Now anybody that knows me knows that I hate coconut. Will not eat it. Can tolerate the smell but that's about it.

The obsession is mostly about the potential of a coconut falling on my coconut, or anybody's for that matter. 

In my neck of the woods people do a lot of walking. As a result, the likelihood of passing a coconut palm is pretty good, since they grow here well, like coconuts.

What has me completely discombobulated is that most of these walkers appear to be nonchalant about the Death By Coconut threat overhead.

Look at this photograph. These coconuts (both the human and the plant variety) are fully grown. And as my friend Elizabeth tells me all the time, "Gravity. It's the law." That earthly force and the ripening coconuts are on a collision course to the nearest noggin underneath.

One swift wind -- and well, let's all use what's inside our coconuts as to the noise those coconuts will make on impact. I''m figuring this could happen anytime soon from the looks of those babies.

Death by Coconut. It happens. 

Amen, and pass the mustard.

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