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Monday, May 25, 2015

All Rulers Are Butchers Or Meat.

Game of Thrones author George R.R. Martin's penchant for killing off his characters as quickly as he creates them is legendary.  A cottage industry of items bearing testimony to this fact exists.

But if GOT producers and writers aren't careful, they could be heading down a road on which another TV series is careening -- Grey's Anatomy. To steal a line from them, "Seriously?"

The header line "all rulers are butchers or meat"uttered by the dashing Daario "hell yeah I want to be King" Naharis while lying in bed with Daenarys "I've got killer hair and real fire breathing dragons at my beck and call" Targaryen during the latest episode sounds very much like a line we've heard before -- kill or be killed.

There's nothing particularly new about that axiom, nothing particularly unusual that Naharis is amongst a line of suitors for the tremendously appealing Daenarys.  And we GOT fans have become sadly accustomed to watching some of our favorite character's sudden demise -- one too Stark for me, and I meant that pun. Who didn't love Ned Stark?

However,  we have our limits -- Shonda Rhimes has jettisoned a boatload of people from Grey's and it's not fixing things much, if anything the show (which at one point was fun to watch) is now an epic yawner.

All I can say is this: George, save a few of them, or we'll just stop reading and viewing. Seriously.

Amen, and pass the mustard.

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