During my Cayman era, I had the pleasure of meeting Carol Winker, a reporter for the daily newspaper. There were not too many reporters on island -- never mind women. Any newbies were spotted right away. We were a very, very small club - four or five in the whole country.
Carol covered the crime scene, and was incredibly adept at uncovering bullshit. She didn't mince words. Reminded me of another tough reporter who uncovers bulllshit regularly at the State House wonder who that is Katherine Gregg??I had started writing some stories which stirred up dust, she came up to me and said, "Well, at least you're not a lightweight."
Then she walked away. If I recall, she walked fast.
Carol also grew orchids - her garden was something else.
So was Carol.
Below is her obituary as seen in the newspaper where she worked her magic, The Cayman Compass.